Saturday, January 29, 2011


I went to my friend, Steph Kurin's house last night, and had a lot of fun! We ate food, made food, played games, looked at old pics, and watched the movie A Series of Unfortunate Events!!! I had never watched it but Steph INSISTED that I did, and now I am sooooo glad that I did, it now happens to be one of my favorite movies! If you haven't watched it I HIGHLY recommend that you do!

  I also found out about a VERY strange but VERY cool thing this weekend! It is called bentos. Bento is Japanese for lunchox! And it is like food art! You make little shapes out of cheese, meat, eggs, etc!!!! It is sooo cute, here is a pic!

 Coolness weekend, and it still isn't over!!!! :D Yay! Now, I am getting ready to practice my violin, and then the funnnn starts AGAIN! BOWLING, PIZZA, AND ICE CREAM! My fam is celebrating Dad's Birthday a day early! :D


  1. Yes, I INSIST often! ;) had fun with ya'll! :D

  2. I am GLAD that you insisted! Sorry about the Julie Campbell thing! It won't let me change it! (sigh)
