Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Well, as you can tell by this blog post title... I am UBERLY excited that spring is hereeee! I've been WAITING for this day for what seems like AGES!!! :D Now that spring is here, I can have a lot more fun with my life! For example: after I am done with school, practicing my violin, cleaning my room (it seems like I have to do that EVERY day), and listening to my music, (that is a MAJOR priority) I can do ANYTHING I want!!!! I could, go and play volleyball, take my dog for a walk, jog, have a picnic in the backyard, and TAKE PICTURES OUTSIDE!!!!!! My sister and I have been wanting to do that for a LONG TIME, but due to cold whether... we thought otherwise!!! LOL! So, since I have been so enthusiastic about SPRING, I decided I would write a haiku about it!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D

The gentle breezes,
Wake up the sleeping sunshine,
Spring is here again!!!

Yay!!!! :D Hope you all enjoy this LOVERLY spring!!!!!

-Dream 4ever-
Cat :D